The month of September has SHOT by us.
Shawn has adapted to life in North Carolina so well and is doing well in school. I have been bogged down with my studies and realized that I could NEVER have done this while working full time at Urgent Care USA!
Christmas is literally right around the corner and my wonderful daughter Shannon Southard Yeager is helping me with an AMAZING gift! Shannon I think is just as excited as I am! (or maybe I am more excited?!?!?!?)
Shannon is doing well herself! She is working part-time at Petsmart in Florida! I am sure that she loves it as much as I love mine! I just hope that they don't forget her like my management team forgets me!
Errin is doing well herself. She is happy and has moved in with Sean who is a total sweetie! He and I are in cahoots too for Christmas! LOL Don't you just LOVE this time of year?!?! When you can sit here and plan with loved ones what you are going to do to and for other loved ones?!?!?
Next month is already filling up with fun filled things for us here. Some not so fun but we will get through them.
Tim, Nathan and Travis are all going Duck hunting on the 3rd! Hope that they get some Duck, I would like to see that Ducks Unlimited Cookbook I bought Tim get used - LOL. Then that weekend, the 6th, Tim and Nathan are going to SC while Shawn and I are going to Cameron, NC to the Antique Festival! Should be an amazing time. A few short days later, Nathan will be leaving us to go and join the Army! We will miss him and his funny self but we know he will be doing something wonderful with his life. The following weekend, the 13th, we are all going to go to Columbia SC taking Shawn to the State Fair and to spend some time with friends! Then Shawn turns the BIG 16 on the 16th! I can't believe it! He signs up for Drivers Education on the 15th of October too! After that, we aren't really sure. Play the rest of the month by ear!
We are in the works for planning a trip to Florida sometime in the next few months. I have to get to the Dr. and get some Bloodwork done and while we are there, visit family, friends and bring more stuff up from the storage unit! Maybe even empty it - LOL doubt that!
Well, that is the update for now. I have to finish my Chem paper that is due by 11:55 p.m. Wednesday the 3rd. I am still trying to get it in early! I know I know I am a geek!
Love to all
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
School and More
Well, Shawn and I are both well in to our school terms. Shawn has adjusted rather well to his new school and is doing well. First set of progress reports came home today for midway through the first 6 weeks (they have weird blocks of like 18 weeks) He has A's in three of the four classes. I really am proud of him for adapting and making new friends. He even went out on two dates! Well the first was a group date and the second - She is a Senior! GO SHAWN!! LOL He is making great friends and doing well. Talking about going on the Drill Team for JROTC and all too.
Chemistry is well underway for myself. I get to where I hate it but then I sit back and think that I have to push through it because without it, I can't finish my RN! THEREFORE, I push through it and pray that I am doing something right. I know that a little effort will go a long way and hope and pray that it gets me through this semester and to an A at the finish line.
The Weather is starting to turn a bit chilly here, I LOVE IT! I don't remember the last time I enjoyed Fall temps and all.
We went on a Dove hunt the first of the month. Was opening weekend and well, lets just say the Bug bit Shawn. We will both be going to the NC Hunters Safety Course this weekend. I told him I would take it with him.
Speaking of Hunting, am already tracking a couple of Deer down below the house! There is a big Buck out there and He has my name written all over him. (Good Hunting Lord Willing)
I haven't canned anything in a while due to school, and the seasons here I am not really sure about what is what and when and where. I have however been finding some REALLY GOOD recipes for CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!!!!!! I can't wait to try them out.
On the Exercise front, I haven't been on my bike in 10 Days counting today! I feel so BLAH about it too. I really need to get back to it and/or get in to the Gym! I just have to figure out the timing thing between School, Family and Work! I thought I left all that behind me in Florida? I guess not. I would hate to have my friend Kally look at some of my daily lists - it would kill her!
Well, I realize that this was a blurp and quickie but I have to get back to my studies. I just needed to take a quick break and thought I would update everyone on here!
Love to all
Linda and Shawn
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