I'm Seriously going to get Serious about Training.
LOL I feel as if I am starting a new chapter in my life and thought what a perfect way to start this out. LOL like I said, things ARE getting a little "Goofy"
Today was registration for the Run Disney 2014 Goofy Challenge. I am now registered!!!!!!
I will be running the Disney Half Marathon on Saturday January 11, 2014 followed by the Disney Full Marathon on Sunday January 12, 2014!!! This is called the Goofy Challenge! I was going to sign up for the Dopey Challenge which was a 5k on Thursday, 10k on Friday, Half and then Full! I thought I'd save that for next year!
Any and all encouragement is greatly appreciated and welcome!
Today I went to the gym - honestly hadn't gone in a while!!!
Today I got in:
50 Minutes
363 calories burned
3.63 miles
This was a mixture of inclines, speeds and HILLS!!!! My goal is for tomorrow to go for 4 miles in the morning, and an additional 3 miles in the evening, OR the opposite! LOL I am doing well and will keep up the mixture of the running/speed walking for a bit longer until I am no longer walking. I haven't really "ran" any or trained for ANYTHING since the Motorcycle accident on September 14, 2007! I was supposed to go to Austin and Run a 5k the following weekend with a wonderful group of Girlfriends but NOPE!!! I thought my running life was over but it isn't! I wont let it be!
A few years ago I met an amazing man whom has changed my life and outlook on a lot of things. I told him when I grow up I wanted to be just like him!
His name is Rick Karampatsos! He had fallen in a Trail fun (Half) and ended up needing stitches when he was done. He and I talked and he shared his love and faith in the Lord. He told me about how on his 66th Birthday, he ran 66 Miles! WOW I so want to be like him!
When my daughter Shannon brought this race to my attention, I thought to myself, "Self, if RICK can do it, so can you!" Rick continues to amaze me as here it is a few years later and this past Christmas, Rick ran the Savage Seven! SEVEN Full Marathons in SEVEN consecutive days! Rick also just recently competed in a 100 mile race in NC Outer Banks! Granted he didn't get that one completed, but HE TRIED! He attempted and He continued to put his faith and love in our Lord!
SO, I thought if Rick can do this, SO CAN I! I put my faith and trust in the Lord and I signed up for the Goofy Challenge! I began my journey today and will continue!
This will most definitely be going through my mind A LOT!!!!!
Good Night for now all