That is, as of this exact moment I am writing this,
219 days, 5 Hours, 23 Minutes and 35 seconds. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30 ...........
Why am I not out there running, Why am I in here typing instead of running and training?!?!?!!?!?
OH, it is 1:07 a.m. and we are at the beginning of Hurricane Season. THAT is why I am not running.
I should be sleeping because SLEEP is one of the big keys to giving it your all and having a great run and "Show" for lack of better terminology.
Yesterday was National Running Day and I spent it running 5k with my daughter Shannon. We had a good time and I realized that I CAN NOT forget to tape up my leg. I also realized that even if I go to the restroom before I register and run, I still need to go again before I start. I finally half way through the run ran into, Garibaldi. Literally, I ran in to this restaurant, found the restroom and ran out! It actually looked like a place I would like to try sometime - just not tonight! They do however, have a clean Women's Restroom.
I proceeded to continue with my run and realized a few other things tonight:
1. Taping of the leg IS A MUST!!!
2. Locating and purchasing an MP3 Player would be nice.
3. I really do need to purchase a Garmin Running Watch
4. Having a Road ID Tag would also be nice.
Why you ask!?!?!? Well, when I tape my leg, even at work, it feels so much better and I don't have to listen to it yelling at me saying, "Hey, Linda, Remember me?!?!"
When I used to run before and when I ran the Houston Half in 2007, I had my music and I would just lose myself into the music and go. I don't like to think too much while I am running, I like to relax. Isn't that what running is all about, relaxing? Especially during feeder bands? (More on that later)
Garmin Running Watch..... Well, I WANT ONE!!! And I would love to track my miles while I am running and know what kind of times I am running! I do have times that I have to run these races in. I DO have to replace my shoes every 500 miles so this would be a GREAT way to help track exactly just HOW many miles ARE on my shoes.
Road ID Bracelet - REALLY?!?! Need I say more? I am a female runner. I am a female runner who is accident prone. I am a female runner who is accident prone AND has Epilepsy! YES, I WANT AND NEED a Road ID Bracelet. I did show Shannon them tonight - she needs one too!
SO, Today - rather Yesterday, was the beginning of the beginning of the, I am really serious about training for these runs I have! I have got to get into the mind set of this and do it now before it is too late. It is like I was telling a friend from High School tonight. Just get out there and do it! OMG How can I tell her to just go and do it when I myself am not "Getting out there to do it!" I keep telling myself, "I will start tomorrow" "It's too hard for me because of my work schedule" "I'll be fine, I've done a Half before and MANY other 5's, 10's and a Tri Sprint" WELL, Tomorrow was yesterday and I have REALLY gotten serious about this. I hope you wont hate me too much. My Work Schedule - well, that is my schedule and I will work around it! I will do my short runs and when I am home, I will have to double up on long runs! I will make it work and I will stick to it! And as for the "I'll be fine!" NO, I WILL NOT!!!! I will not be fine unless I get my fat butt out there and run and train and practice and exercise. I will NOT accept a DNF on either of these races and I WILL get my three shirts, my three medals and my name immortalized out there in the vast universe of the World Wide Web as being one of the participants who finished the Goofy Challenge for January 2014.
SO, Training starts YESTERDAY! Those of you who know me, FTTAT Sisters, you know me best and well enough that from past experience, I train better when I have those things in front of me to look forward to. I have those now, and I will be looking for more. The following are the races that I currently have lined up and you know I am looking for more:
July 3rd/4th Kiwanis 4th of July Midnight Run. Shannon will be running this with me this year and since it is on a Thursday, I am hoping to get Errin out there too - as well as Shawn and Sean! hint hint hint.
Jump ahead to December 1, the Space Coast Half Marathon - this is still up in the air - but I am really wanting to run this one too -
December 29, The Biggest Loser Half Marathon in North Florida. This is for my girls and I can't wait.
January 11th/12th - The Goofy Challenge at Disney.
I have a lot of months there in between that I have to fill up with some training runs and races. I hope that you can help me - but if not, I am pretty good about finding some too. Maybe I can run up to NC and run with Colin for a race too?!!?!? We keep saying that we are going to and I DO want to run something in every state at least once!!!
Well, it is off to bed so that I can sleep. I have a full day today with all my kids and then I have to squeeze in another run! I would like to take this time to apologize in advance to all of you. Most of you will get tired of hearing about me and my running/training and I'm sorry but running relaxes me. I am sure that some of my friends will unfriend me, hide or block me but that is ok, I will accept that.
Best of luck to everyone and keep on running - I am off to sleep