Shannon: "Mom want to run a race with me next January?"
Myself: "Sure - when and where?"
Shannon: "It's at Disney"
Myself: "Sure - sounds fun"
Shannon: "It's called Goofy! You run a Half Marathon on one day and then a Full Marathon the next!" Myself: "WHAT?"
Shannon: "It'll be fun we can run it together and get Derek to run it too!"
Myself: "Sure - why not"
And no time did I ever think that one simple question would open up my life and my world to so many other avenues. Nor did I ever think that I would have opened my life and my heart to so many other people in it. I never would have thought that one simple question from my daughter would have the change and affect it has had on my life. SO, for those who think I am Bat Shit Crazy, Half Crazy, Totally Crazy, Out of my Mind..... you can blame Shannon, I do! But I also want to thank her for this. Without that question - I honestly do not know where I would be or what I would be doing in my life.
Fast forward to April 2013 - Shannon is out in Arizona with Derek and I am here in Florida house sitting their house. Registration is opening in any moment and I am waiting by the computer - Rumor has it that The Goofy tends to sell out quickly - WAIT!!!! Let's throw a wrench into the mix - Disney is adding a race and now has a race called the DOPEY!!!!! It's a 5k, 10k, Half and a Full, Four days in a row vs. the Half and Full!!! hmmmmm decisions - decisions - decisions!!! I have time - Registration is still a couple of hours away.
OH NOOOOO Linda fell asleep!!!!
I woke up the next morning and jumped on the computer - and still didn't know what to register for - YIKES!!!!
I sign on and there is the buttons - Dopey or Goofy - It is staring me in the face - taunting me - teasing - taunting - teasing - I look at the calendar and think - I could do this - I know I could - but do I really want to run a 5k then rush off to work? Then the next day run a 10k and rush off to work again? I opted for the Goofy - and it was almost $150 cheaper - SO I signed up for Goofy and decided that next year I will run the Dopey!
Registration is open - Registration is DONE! Oh shit - this just got real!
Next I make a call to Shannon - "Did you register for Goofy?" NO She didn't - Now what is a girl to do? There is still time - it wont sell out yet! I hope!
April comes, April Goes - May swings in to play and Angie from work wants to run a 5k called a Color Run! Hey why now - I need to run and train right?!!??!
May - I run a Color Run with Angie - OMG - I could not help but laugh and loved every minute of it! I do however have one suggestion - do not try to run backwards - it brings in to play a whole different group of muscles - HELLOOOOO
June - that comes in with nothing really fun or exciting - YAY!!!!! LOL I did something I don't normally do - I took a thing called a Vacation. I didn't really run much - actually I don't think I ran at all - other than one fun run 5k with Fit2Run on National Running Day!
July - This is where it all gets real! THIS is where my life changed. It changed for the better and I wouldn't ask for it any other way. I ran two races in 8 hours and learned that my life would change for the better in so many ways in less than 24. I started off July running the Kiwanis Midnight Run in Dunedin with Shannon - I hadn't trained much - if at all but we went and ran the midnight 5k. We got separated at the beginning but we both ran and went for it. Somehow I must have been right there with her but I stopped to take care of an elderly man who had fallen, broken his nose and gotten several facial lacerations. After about a 15-20 minute pause in my run - I was cleared to go by the EMT's and resumed my run - stiff muscles and all. I made it across the finish line, race to the race director and announced a down runner and advised his family where to meet up with him at which hospital. We then went to McDonald's where she advised me I might want to wash my hands - I still had blood on me. LOL
After we finished here, we hoped in the car - picked up the second car and continued up the Interstate to North of Orlando to where Race #2 was going to be. I know I know I was in the SAME outfit - but HEY I was in two races in less than 8 hours. The race is about to start and we are walking around and I see some ladies laughing and taking some pictures - they looked fun. Oops - Race starting - Headphones in - off we go. I finish the race and all I heard was Shannon Yelling: "WAY TO GO MOM!!! 2 RUNS IN LESS THAN 8 HOURS!" She really made me proud and she really supported me - even if she still didn't sign up for Goofy.
I get back home after that race - shower and sit down with Toshi - my computer has a name - and post in the Fit2Run thread about my two races and how I am hoping to still make it up for the Fun Run that night. I then pop on to the I Run 4 Michael thread/page on Facebook that I had just signed up for to be matched with a buddy to run for! I got my notification that I was matched with BEN! I quickly posted a couple of pictures to him and told him about my runs. THEN it happened. I see a picture that is posted - The same crazy ladies that were taking a picture at the second race, one of them posted the picture I watched them take. I mentioned that I saw them take that picture - and Angi Lanciano the Seminole County Moms RUN This Town Leader agreed to let me - a Hillsborough County Resident - join them and their group. BEN - we have a whole group of new people to run with - we are going to be so excited and happy. We are going to run our hearts out!
July we didn't run any other races - but we did have a lot of rain! LOL
August comes in to play and by now I am talking with the MRTT girls more and have even agreed to share a room with some of them in December at Space Coast - Shannon was freaking out "Mother, you don't know these women! What happens if they are ....." I cut her off before she could finish when I said "What, they are crazy like me?" She didn't have much to say after that. We also found out that Shannon was pregnant and guess what - I'm going to be a GRANDMA!!!!!
August I then ran the MRTT Alice in Wonderland Virtual Summer Run 5k and I met some of the Mama's that I now call friends. They were soooo funny and they accepted me into the group like we had known each other for some time.
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Sorry to all the Mama's I didn't have one with EVERYONE!!! |
Oh and I also ran another Virtual 5k that day too - it was a run to help another Runner raise funds for his Dopey. So, I ran the Dopey 5k too - WHEW!!!! What am I doing?
Next up was another 5k in August - it was the Flavor Run. OMG - I laughed while I ran this one too - I ran it by myself but still had fun. I was also BLUE for a week. Even after I took 6 showers and washed my hair 4 times before going to work. LOL
I was learning to run in Tutu's and was a Flavor Fairy so I was wearing Wings. Red is Bens favorite Color so I opted for Red and Pink Wings.
The Following week - That is THREE Weekends in a row - I was convinced by my new friends that I could run a 10k with them. I stayed with my new friends Brandyn and laughed so much that weekend, had a painting party and PR'd on the 10k - YAY GO ME!!!
September rolls into the picture and guess what - I keep running! LOL Where did all of this energy come from?
I start the month off with a 5k to Honor a young man who lost his battle. He was in a horrific Auto Accident as a child and lived his life to the fullest daily. When he passed, they did a 5k to honor him. I ran it! BOY was it HOT!!!! I have NEVER run an afternoon 5k and I was sweating bullets and wanted to die - I was so miserable that I didn't even stay around for the free beer!!! LOL WHAT?!?!?!?
I look like I was serious and like I was on a mission!!!

Nope I just wanted to finish - It was soooo
damn HOT!!!
I vowed I would NEVER run another afternoon race again unless it was cooler!
September turned in to my Month to run in Memory of others - Not only did we run the Ryan Shuck 5k we ran a 5k for the Memory of Sweet Talia who had also earned her wings and now sits among the angels. I also introduced Shannon in to the mix of Wonderful World of Moms RUN This Town. Seeing as she is pregnant. We had a blast at this event - I laughed, talked, learned so much more about my Running Mama's and when I saw this picture - realized I needed to get into shape and lose a few pounds - I wasn't taking my running really serious and wasn't being smart - I needed to get serious.
October brings in Tricks and Treats and Puppy Dog Feet!
I wasn't able to get a bib for the Disney Tower of Terror but I WAS able to BUY a bib from a fellow Mama! I had an amazing time and a wonderful run. This was my first 10 miler and I hadn't really trained for it but let me tell you - I learned A LOT!!! I learned to train for hills and slopes and I learned that I needed new running shoes. I learned a new way to run - the Galloway Run-Walk Method. I learned that if I start out feeling too comfortable, I am going too fast. I also learned that running in the dark is something that we do here in Florida a lot of and when it is warm out - you can run in the early morning hours or in the late evening hours. I also learned that Complete Strangers are going to be there on some part of the race course even if your family can't be. Shannon and Derek were back at the finish line and this sweet little lady was just past the half way part and she pushed me on and made me realize that I CAN finish this run.

October continues with a bang and a whirlwind of a weekend. I being the crazy runner that I have become decided that I was going to run three (3) yes, THREE races in 24 hours! WHAT was I thinking? I know I am not Wonder Woman - I am not a Super Hero - I am just a runner. Hey - There are worse things to be addicted to right!?!?!?!
My whirlwind of a weekend began on Saturday October 19th. I Ran the Rattlesnake 5 miler - I had always wanted to run this and finally got the chance. I ran it on my own but didn't care - I had a blast. It was a hilly course but I didn't mind - I enjoyed it! I got in my zone that I have become accustomed to and off I went. I finished - hung out for the first time ever after an event and just continued to enjoy the day. I then realized that I don't always smell good after a race - I don't mind - I know I am working hard and running my buttocks off. I was informed by a complete stranger that I did in fact, STINK! I called Shannon and told her that I would trade her a lunch out at Cracker Barrel for a Shower! SCORE!!!!!

Home - Shower and Off to bed I go. Brandyn and I wake up the next morning for what is my third and final race. We are running the Pink Feet 10k for Breast Cancer Awareness. We also ran this for Mama T's Birthday! By the time I was done with this, I was having two really sore knees but I made it through. I learned that Ice really IS my friend!
But lest we forget that my 2nd Vacation of the year comes around and my kids freak out because Mom just doesn't do that!!!! LOL But I did - went on a Cruise with my Bestie and had an amazing time. I also spent a week living a Disney life. 3 Days on the Magic and 4 days at the Parks - HEAVEN!!!! Food and Wine Later - enter a VERY tipsy Linda - I had to get in a virtual 5k that the time was running out - OH NOOOO - I did it - and realized that I run better and make better times when I run with at least one drink. LOL SO, I completed my 5k and didn't even hurl - even though twice I felt like I was going to!
Enter November - One of the biggest days of my life - November 6th I signed up for Team in Training and signed up for the Marathon in Paris France. This I did it for the memory of my Father, Glen Proffitt! I had lost my father to Cancer on November 7th 30 years earlier I figured if I was going to run - I was going to help in the research of cancers. SO Enter Linda into the world of Team in Training. Wanna talk about Shit getting real!?!?!?!?
Can you say Back to Back AGAIN????? This particular weekend I decided that I was going to do another back to back double. This would be my THIRD back to back since I began running - WHAT?!?! Crazy, Nope! Addicted!!!
I started this weekend back up at Brandyn's and we ran Saturday doing the Peace Love Cure 5k. I wasn't feeling it but did it anyway and so I did this with Angi. I pushed her when she didn't want to go and encouraged her. SO many people have encouraged me along the way that it was time to give back. I ended up pushing Angi and guess what - she PR'd! I did a lot of laughing in this one too.
I then Ran the Orlando Runners Classic 5 miler! WHAT ?!?!?! I must be crazy. Nope - I'm not - just living my life in the world I have begun to enjoy. I really had fun running this one and hope to run it again in the future - It was fun and let me tell you - they have the BEST Post Race Expo! OMG the Meatballs!!!!!!
Enter December - Remember - Shannon had gotten pregs and couldn't run her Space Coast Half Marathon. I had missed out on getting registered so, I ran under her bib, even marked it as Shannon's Mom! LOL I loved it. Got in to the wrong pace group and zoned out and off I went. I LOVED this run and WILL be doing this again. This was my first half this year and guess what - I knocked off 40 minutes from my previous Half. PR!!!!! I can't wait to run this one again - there aren't many I say I will run again but THIS is one.
Two weeks after the Half, I ran the Masters of All Terrain 10 miler. Note to self - I have to remember to charge my iPod when I run! I ran this one with some other Mama's and felt sooo bad not running with Brandyn and driving by the exit to my other home and not stopping! LOL I guess you can say these running Mama's are like family.
This was fun and I met some other GREAT runners - I can't believe the world of running and the people I meet! I realized in this one - it doesn't matter if I brush my hair - I'm still going to stink when I get done running!!! LOL
Then just two weeks later - what do I do?!!?!? I finish out my year with another Half Marathon! Shawn and I went up to Panama City Beach and I ran the Biggest Loser Half Marathon. This was such a fun run too. I found another run that I will do again! My girlfriends from 7 years ago - this was for them. I have been with these girls from FTTAT for that long and I owed them this race. These 13.1 miles were for them. I did meet some additional fun runners and learned that Mind over Matter I can do what I put my mind to. I also learned that the previous contestants on The Biggest Loser - they are real people!!
SO, there you have it - I began to run again JUST this year - and began running seriously in JULY!!!!! Six months later did you count what we ran?!!? In the past six months, I completed 11-5k's, 2-10k's, 2-5 milers, 2-10 milers, and 2- Half Marathons. 19 races in six months and only able to run every other weekend! WOW! I am addicted and I LOVE IT!!!!
SO, I go back to the original statement from the beginning of my year in review. SO, for those who think I am Bat Shit Crazy, Half Crazy, Totally Crazy, Out of my Mind..... you can blame Shannon, I do! But I also want to thank her for this. Without that question - I honestly do not know where I would be or what I would be doing in my life. I am now CRAZY Awesome and Runner Babe! That is what I go by with my friends and I wouldn't trade it for any other name. I know I am crazy and I know this why - because there are worse things to be addicted to.
SO, with 2013 in the books - what will 2014 bring?!!??! Well - we know it will be taking us to Disney for Goofy - Thanks Shannon, It will take us to Paris, it will take us to Texas, Georgia, California and Connecticut all for runs.
May your life be a blessed one and may 2014 be an amazing CRAZY AWESOME Running year!