I was a little nervous at the beginning but I DID IT!!!! I scheduled and ran in three different races in 24 hours and COMPLETED all three of them! I did come to the conclusion that I really DO need to implement Hills into my training. All I could think of during the Rattlesnake 5 miler was "Killer Hill" from my days of Cross Country while we would run up the final hill at a meet - WE could do it because Coach Knapp would make us train on it and, Rolla has hills!!!!! Other teams had trouble with it because they didn't get to drain on that hill. I felt like those other teams that day!
Run #1 Rattlesnake Festival 5 miler
This was nothing but hills - and some off trail. UGH two of the things I dislike - A LOT!!!!
I was doing the giggle to myself before the race because as I had thought, I was the only one in a tutu and it caught every one's attention - LOVED IT!!!! Little girls were asking their Mothers about it as well as the tape on my leg - "Mama, what happened to her leg?" LOL I just pretended I was listening to my music.
There was some cute signage along the course - my favorite - "Yield to Rattlesnakes" LOL Thankfully I didn't see any. I did see the bumps that were labeled - Whew - that would have been really bad if I had fallen. Then there was the decision I had to make - run on the grass up a hill or on the steps going up the hill?!?!?!?! I opted for the stairs - figured it was the better of the two evils! I'm glad that I did the stairs - good workout and it was better on my ankles in my opinion. LOL I'm definitely going to do this again next year and will make sure that I incorporate hills into my training next year!
Final time for this 5 miles was 1:04:50! I'm really proud of that seeing as I hadn't run for two weeks since I did the Tower of Terror - YAY!!!!! I'll take it!
Here is the finisher picture
And with that - we are off Orlando - LOL
After a brief stop in Zephyrhills to see the kids, I found out that I really did stink! The one thing that I miss with my nose is that I can't smell anything including myself. After a run like this in Florida - I need to know when I smell - or as Shannon would say - ANYTIME I run - just assume I smell. Anyway, I stopped briefly in Wal-Mart to see Errin and Sean and to pick up Gatorade Gels and when I asked an associate, he kinda stepped back a step or two. I wasn't offended by any means I actually thought it was humorous. Didn't see the kids so I paid and left to continue up towards Orlando. Made a deal with Shannon that if she would let me shower, I'd take her out to lunch! AHHHHH the Shower!
After Showering, Lunch and spending time with Shannon - Thanks again for Febreezing my Car - I headed on up to Brandyn's so that we could get ready for the Neon Run 5k (Run #2)
Run #2 - Neon Run 5k
NEVER Again will I do this one. I did mention I don't like to go off trail right!?!?! This was at the Orlando Fair Grounds and if you ever wanted to attend an UN Organized Run - go to this one! By the time we started - we finally were off and jogging only to bottleneck and stop about 100-200 yards later! WHAT?!?!?!?! This was due to they were spraying up with some sort of oily water substance and THEN we were bombed with a GREEN powder substance. YUP - I was definitely glowing by now! As the "run" continued - we came to the one and only water stop that had NO water or cups. Guess what - there wasn't any at the end of the run either!!!!!!! We ended up getting water at a gas station that we were afraid we would get TB or any other ailment! LOL I actually had politely declined to checkout at that window - I didn't have any Lysol. Although I did have a blast laughing with my girls as we drove down I-4! Have you ever seen glowing eyes glaring at you while you drive down the interstate? I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Here is the beginning of the run and then the end of the run!!!!
I "mustache" you a question.... Does this Tutu make my butt look big?
Off to shower and bed so that I can wake up for Day #2, Run #3
Run #3 - Pink Feet 10k
Woke up a little tight and stiff but off we went! Enjoyed running the Pink Feet 10k with all my Mama's and to celebrate Trisha's 40th Birthday! We've dubbed this the "Trisha's 40th Birthday Run" instead.
This started out with yet - Another incline and hill!!!!! there were a couple more here and there dotted throughout the course - the only bad thing about this run - ok there were two things. First - The HUMIDITY!!!!! OMG I thought my lungs were going to burst. Second - about mile 4 my Left Hip went and I knew what was next. I knew my knee would go. Next, at about mile 4.1 my Left Knee went and I felt it - I still plugged on and dug deep and carried through. I did this knowing that at the end of the race, Ad Kore was there and they were going to be giving me a nice FREE Stretch after I finished. I hobbled over (Thanks Mama's for the ice) and filled out my paperwork like only a kindergartner could and took a seat icing my knee while waiting my turn.
1:28:33 Not a PR but at least I finished it!
This ALSO meant that when I finished this, I was done with my 14.3 miles for the weekend!
I did realize a few things this weekend though.
1.) The importance of training on hills - I will now incorporate them into my training routines.
2.) The importance of Stretching - I didn't get a chance to do any of that before today's race. I DID however get to stretch rather nicely before yesterday's and rocked it! Good Race Day = Stretch Good
3.) I really shouldn't plan 3 races in 24 hours however, this was GREAT training and a GREAT eye opener for the Goofy Race in January at Disney!
4.) I'd love to take an ice bath and will make sure that I enjoy those during Goofy weekend!
5.) Running while Dancing - or is it Dancing while Running isn't just a release for myself - it brings laughter and smiles to the workers along the race route. When you see me running and flailing my arms - it's a pretty good bet that I'm singing and will start dancing soon!
Next up - planning a Training schedule and getting MORE serious about this - time is running out!
Crazy Running Babe Signing Out for now!
Love you all
Way to go, sistah!! Keep on runnin'!